As An Alternative Idea: If you have to cancel a lesson due to sickness or other situation, whether it's you or your child, think of doing an online lesson during your scheduled spot instead of coming into the studio for a make-up lesson. If your car stalls, you loose your keys, there's an emergency meeting at work, etc., just call me and we can do a regular lesson online.
NOTE: You can make up missed lessons in the studio or online via video chat through Zoom. You do not have to have a Zoom account. Just watch for the link in your email. Click on the link and wait for me to allow you in the chat room. Make sure you have your device set up so that I can see your child and the instrument and then make sure the sound is not muted and the video is on.
NOTE: It's helpful to let me know in advance if you will be gone during one of the lessons. At that time, we can set up a make-up lesson.
Please NOTE: I will not do any make-up lessons for the previous Semester. Once a Semester is done, you cannot make up for any lessons missed.
Thank you for your cooperation!!
1. DROPPING OFF OR PICKING UP YOUR CHILD - These rules are for the safety of your child:
Thank you for your cooperation!!
There are 4 events that we do here in EverLove Studios.
1. Christmas Family Talent Night in December
2. Music Competition in March
3. Spring Recital in April
The Spring Recital is the only event I require that my students participate in. This is the end of the year event and the students work really hard to perform at this event. This is also a way for me to test their skills and abilities in performance. Unless there is an emergency, I do expect and require all students to perform in the recital!
I will provide an event and closure schedule at the beginning of the year, so please plan accordingly.
All other events are highly recommended but not required.
Thank you for your cooperation!!
COMMUNICATIONS - You can communicate with me 2 different ways.
1. Phone Call or Email - You can call me at 245-2748, or you can email me, everlovestudios@gmail.com. But make sure you call or email in the mornings on Mondays, Wednesdays or Thursdays before 11:00am or Tuesday evenings so that I can respond right away. You can meet with me for any reason. We can meet online via chat or we can meet in the studio.
Here are some reasons to make an appointment with me:
2. Emails - There are 3 different emails that I will be sending that you need to be looking for:
NOTE: I understand that you can be inundated with emails from school, coaches and other activities. I do not want to take up your time. I only send out one email a week and all I ask is that you open up my weekly newsletters or any personal emails so that I don't have to chase you down if I need to get information to or from you. Thank you!!
WEBSITE HELPS - You can go to my website to get most questions answered in the following places:
My office hours are from 9:00am to 6:30pm Monday-Friday. If you call and I don't respond, it means I am conducting lessons. Just leave a message and I will get back with you within that day. You can also leave a message on the messaging bubble on my website. Or you can contact me through email, everlovestudios@gmail.com.
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